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Philosophy of personal information protection

Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hitachi Industry & Control") is a global supplier that can provide full solutions, and handles various information including technical information on Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions and information entrusted to them by customers.
For this reason, Hitachi Industry & Control has endeavored to establish and thoroughly implement an information management system in order to respect these values relating to information.
Based on this background, rules and management systems will be established in respect of the protection of personal information as well as the following personal information protection policy, and efforts will be made to protect officers and employees by notifying them of such and protecting personal information in accordance with the policies.

Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions, Ltd.
6-1, Akihabara, Taito-ku, Tokyo Prefecture
Motoharu Ueda, President and CEO

Personal information protection policy

  • Formulation and continuous improvement of personal information management rules
    Hitachi Industry & Control has made officers and employees aware of the importance of personal information protection, and has formulated personal information management rules to appropriately use and protect personal information that will be implemented steadily.
    Furthermore, this will be maintained and improved continually.
  • Prohibition of collection, use, provision and unintended use of personal information
    In consideration of the fact that we keep customer information in our business activities, Hitachi Industry & Control have established a management system for protecting personal information according to the actual situation of each business.
    At the same time, we will handle the collection, use and provision of personal information appropriately in accordance with the prescribed rules.
    Moreover, it will not be used in any other way other than the purpose and put in measures in that regard.
  • Implementation of security measures
    Hitachi Industry & Control, in order to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information, controls access to personal information, restricts the means of taking out personal information, and unauthorized access from the outside, in accordance with various rules regarding information security and will take measures such as prevention of personal information, strive to prevent leakage, loss, damage, falsification, etc. of personal information, and correct any problems that occur.
  • Compliance with laws and norms
    Hitachi Industry & Control shall comply with laws and regulations applicable to the protection of personal information, guidelines set by the government, and other norms in the handling of personal information.
  • Respect for the person's rights regarding personal information
    Hitachi Industry & Control respects each person's rights regarding personal information and will act sincerely when requests are made regarding personal information to disclose, correct or delete, or refuse to use or provide personal information.
  • Requests for disclosure of personal information or acceptance of complaints
    Hitachi Industry & Control will take appropriate action without delay if they are asked to disclose, correct, add, delete, suspend the use of personal information of customers, erasure, suspend the provision to third parties, or notify the purpose of use or there are complaints
  • Improvement of personal information protection management system
    Hitachi Industry & Control will maintain and continuously improve the personal information protection management system.

Enactment date 1 April 2014
Revision date 1 April 2022
Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions, Ltd.
6-1, Akihabara, Taito-ku, Tokyo Prefecture
Motoharu Ueda, President and CEO

About the privacy mark

The privacy mark

Hitachi Industry & Control has been certified by the Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Society to grant a privacy mark to businesses that handle personal information appropriately.

Definition of personal information

At Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions, personal information is information about an individual, and is a specific individual based on the name, date of birth or other description contained in the information, or the number, symbol or other code, image or voice assigned to each individual (including information that cannot be identified by the information alone, but can be easily collated with other information to identify a specific individual).
Furthermore, personal information is not limited to information that can identify an individual, but also includes all information that represents facts, judgments, and evaluations regarding an individual's physical, property, occupation, and standing attributes.
Hitachi Industry & Control protects and manages personal information with the utmost care and maximum effort based on the following "Specific Personal Information Protection Policy."

Scope of application

This "About personal information protection" defines the handling of customer's personal information under Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions.

About Purpose of use of personal information

  • Hitachi Industry & Control will use personal information only to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of each of the following items with respect to business activities centered on the information service industry.
    • Holding events for customers and sending information on new products
    • Provision of member services for customers
    • Provision of after-services for customers
    • Handling contacts made by customers
    • Analyses to further enrich products and services
    • Customer survey and analysis
    • Fulfillment of the contract concluded between the customer and Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions
    • Contact for customer meetings
    • Provision of personal information to Hitachi, Ltd. and Hitachi Group companies when Hitachi Industry & Control implements business activities in collaboration with the Hitachi Group
  • Personal information about applicants for employment of Hitachi Industry & Control will be used for the purposes of each of the following items.
    • Provision of company information, employment information, acceptance/rejection and other information of Hitachi Industry & Control, contact, examination and decision of acceptance/rejection
  • Hitachi Industry & Control handles personal information related to the entrusted business within the scope of the entrusted contract. (This is non-disclosure of personal information)
  • When a customer contacts Hitachi Industry & Control by telephone, the content of the call may be recorded in order to provide accurate responses.

About Provision to third parties

  • Hitachi Industry & Control will not provide your personal information to a third party without your prior consent.
    However, cases falling under the following will be excluded.
    • When based on laws and ordinances
    • When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer
    • When it is necessary for a national institution or a local public body or a person entrusted with it to cooperate in implementing the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations, and when there is a risk that obtaining the consent of the customer will hinder the performance of the business execution
    • When entrusting the handling of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use
    • When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer
    • When providing personal information due to business succession due to merger or other reasons
  • Hitachi Industry & Control may jointly use the personal information of the person concerned required to perform business activities jointly with Hitachi group companies with said group companies.
      • Personal information items jointly used
         Name, occupation, home address, telephone number, fax number, and email address, etc.
      • Scope of parties for joint use
         Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi Group Companies
      • Utilization purpose of joint users
         Enquiries, confirmation, etc. required for implementation of business
         Management of Hitachi Group Common System usage
      • Name of the person responsible for management of jointly used personal information
         Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions, Ltd.
      • Acquisition method
         Directly acquired in writing (including records created electronically) by Hitachi Industry & Control

Handling of specified personal information

  • Regarding business activities centered on the information service industry, Hitachi Industry & Control has "Act on the Use of Numbers for Identifying Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures" (hereinafter referred to as "Number Act") and "Individuals" for specific personal information. We will comply with the "Act on the Protection of Information" and "Guidelines for Proper Handling of Specific Personal Information (Business Operators)".
  • Hitachi Industry & Control will ensure the proper handling of specific personal information under the "Personal Information Protection Policy" of Hitachi Industry & Control as the "Basic Policy on the Proper Handling of Specific Personal Information."
  • Hitachi Industry & Control will provide specific personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose, with the implementation of administrative procedures related to social security, tax and disaster countermeasures stipulated in each item of Article 9 of the Number Act as the scope of use of specific personal information.
    The main scope of use of specific personal information handled by Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions is as follows.
    • Hitachi Industry & Control receives specific personal information from employees, or the like, and obtains the withholding slip for salary income/retirement income, salary payment report, employment insurance notification, health insurance/welfare annuity insurance insured qualification, administrative work to be submitted to the tax office chief, municipal mayor, Japan Pension Service, etc. by filling in necessary documents such as notifications, claims based on the Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance Law, or the like.
    • Hitachi Industry & Control receives the provision of specific personal information and uses it as payment records for compensation and fees, dividends, distribution of surplus and basic interest payment records, payment records for real estate usage fees, etc., and transfer of real estate, etc., admin work to be submitted to the tax office chief by filling in various payment records such as payment records of the consideration received
    • The work Hitachi Industry & Control is entrusted with the handling of specific personal information by government agencies or other businesses.
  • Hitachi Industry & Control's business activities are diverse, and for that reason there may be notifications and announcements relating to the purpose of use of specific personal information in the relevant business on the websites of each business division.
  • Hitachi Industry & Control will not provide the specific personal information of the individual to a third-party except as required by law.
    Also they will not be jointly used either. However, if any of the items stipulated in Article 19 of the Number Act (Restrictions on the provision of specific personal information) apply, specific personal information may be provided.
  • Hitachi Industry & Control may outsource the handling of specific personal information within the scope of the purpose of use stipulated by laws and regulations.
  • Any application for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, suspension of provision to third parties, request for notification of purpose of use, or complaints regarding specific personal information held by Hitachi Industry & Control should be in accordance with “requests for disclosure of personal information or requests for complaints.”

About the use of cookies and web beacons

Acquiring the access log

Requests for disclosure of personal information or complaints

Should you wish to request a file or make a complaint regarding the personal information of customers held by Hitachi Industry & Control, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, suspension of provision to third parties, or notification of purpose of use, or disclose the record of provision to a third party (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure, etc."), please do as below.

[Request for Disclosure or Request for Complaints]

(Company Name) : Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions, Ltd. Legal & Administration Dept.
(Address) : 5-1-26 Omika-cho, Hitachi City, Ibaraki Prefecture
(Telephone Number) : 0294-53-6115
(Inquiry Form) : Contact us from here.
(Reception hours) : Weekdays 9:00 to 17:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)

Measures taken for safety management

The top management in Hitachi Industry & Control has formulated a personal information protection policy so that we work as an organization to ensure the appropriate handling of personal information. We have then formulated personal information management rules, guidelines and other internal regulations in accordance with that basic policy.
In addition, we have established a structure to confirm and evaluate whether our internal regulations comply with laws/ordinances and the JIS Q 15001 privacy mark compliance regulations.
In addition to establishing these regulations, we take concrete safety management measures from four aspects (organizational, human, physical and technical) when actually handling personal information.

System for the protection of personal information in foreign countries

Hitachi Industry & Control may provide third parties in foreign countries with personal information on a subcontracting basis in regards to some personal information handling operations.
Please see the website of the Personal Information Protection Commission JAPAN for personal information protection in the applicable country.

Personal Information Protection Commission JAPAN

Request to customers

  • Most of the services provided by Hitachi Industry & Control can be used without the need for you to provide personal information.
    However, please note that some services cannot be provided if you cannot provide personal information to Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions.
  • Please note that Hitachi Industry & Control is not responsible for ensuring the security of personal information of individuals on websites other than Hitachi Industry & Control linked from the Hitachi Industry & Control website.
  • When you enter personal information on the Hitachi Industry & Control website, it is a prerequisite that you agree to this "About personal information protection." If you do not agree to this "About personal information protection" you may not be able to use the services provided by Hitachi Industry & Control (including inquiries being responded to).

Special matters

  • Hitachi Industry & Control's personal information protection policy will be based on Japanese law.
  • Hitachi Industry & Control may revise the section "Personal information handling" based on the improvement of the handling of personal information or the revision of laws and regulations or other norms.
  • "About personal information protection" will apply after the date of publication (including the date of update).
  • If each content has individual provisions regarding personal information protection, those provisions will prevail.

About authorized personal information protection groups

The authorized personal information protection organization(*) that controls Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions and the address for resolving complaints are as follows.

(Group Name) : Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Society
(Application) : Authorized personal information protection organization secretariat
(Address) : 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032, Roppongi First Building
(Telephone Number) : 03-5860-7565, 0120-700-779

It is a third-party organization that handles complaints and provides information regarding personal information as stipulated by the Personal Information Protection Law.

This is not a contact for inquiries regarding Hitachi Industry & Control products and services.

  • Contact regarding products and services of Hitachi Industry Control from here.

Contact regarding this site

If you have any questions or inquiries regarding this summary, contact us below, except for requests for disclosure of personal information and complaints.(*)


(Company name) : Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions, Ltd. Legal & Administration Dept.
(Address) : 5-1-26 Omika-cho, Hitachi City, Ibaraki Prefecture
(Telephone number) : 0294-53-6115
(Inquiry Form) : Contact us from here.
(Reception hours) : Weekdays 9:00 to 17:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)

The personal information you send us will be deleted once the inquiry has been resolved, and Hitachi Industry & Control will not retain your personal information.
  • Contact regarding products and services of Hitachi Industry Control from here.

Personal Information Protection Manager
Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions, Ltd.
Information Security Control Dept
Shohei Kurihara