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For all Engineers who desire to make more better product.

HighSpeedAnalysis, EasyOperation, SolidFoundation Image

How molten metals flow and solidify inside a mold has long been a black box.

ADSTEFAN is a support tool that enables you to reduce defects, reduce costs, and reduce the number of prototypes by visualizing the casting process on your computer through simulations.

In developing the system, our policy has been to create a product that does not just serve analysis specialists, but rather can be easily used by everyone involved with casting technology.

It is a policy that will never change as we continue our development of ADSTEFAN.

Our mission will continue to evolve without change.

High-Speed Analysis

Casting simulations are tools for computer-based trial-and-error experimentation to discover which casting methods and conditions will be rational and result in minimal defects when casting.

Doing so requires multiple analysis, and it is hard to measure the actual impact of time spent on analysis in any given case. Its reputation as a leading tool for high-speed analysis is long-standing, but with its newly added parallel computing and large-scale analytical technology, ADSTEFAN substantially reduces analysis time even further.

Easy Operation

ADSTEFAN's unified GUI provides access to a full range of processes, from importing CAD data to generating meshes, configuring analytical conditions, and evaluating results.

Its ability to share data(CAD, mesh, material properties, analysis results, etc.)between individual tools makes it possible to simultaneously manage all processing flows related to an analysis.

The system's unified operating environment makes it easy to perform comparisons between existing analyses and new ideas, and by enabling data to be shared with external analytical tools and allowing optimization engines to be incorporated into the design optimization system, it also makes possible the development of various casting design processes.

Solid Foundation

The know-how of experienced technicians from over 30 casting companies was gathered together in Tohoku University's cooperative industry-academia project, the "Casting CAE Research Society (Stefan Group)". After the passage of roughly 7 years, the fruits of the society's research and development were made into a commercial product through Tohoku Techno Arch Co., Ltd., a Technology Licensing Organization (TLO), to become a highly-reliable casting simulation system.

With routine user support as well as user conferences and technical seminars where engineers using ADSTEFAN exchange information on the one hand, we have extended our industry-academia partnership to include users and fuse the latest user needs with the seeds of cutting-edge research in pursuit of new features and ever-greater ease of use.

Newly developed features are distributed to users in accordance with the ADSTEFAN Support Services Contract and user evaluations from feedback during follow-ups are reflected in new areas of ADSTEFAN development.

In recognition of this partnership, we were given the 8th Award for Persons of Merit Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration, awarded in 2010 by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(Japan).